Saturday, October 29, 2005

That's Because You Drive Me

I have been neglecting this for a while, but in case you were curious, The Wanton Machine is available for download every week in mp3 format from WMUC.

Download the show here. (alternately, just click to listen)

View the playlist

This past Thursday was the super-special Halloween edition of the show. Knock yourself out. It appears, however, that a ton of old playlists have ceased to exist.

update: This particular show will only be up until 05.11.03.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

night lover/ day hunter.

More from TABB
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-- drywall (pervert awesome)

Also, SC has created, for your consideration...

micro fable of the tv headed woman

at the bottom of the sea, her head flickered with snow
and worn out porno tapes. arcane geometric forms made
possible by the precise positionings of two bodies.
faces devoid of any expression acting through
schematic rituals of sex. the translucent ocean and
her transparent face. the empty existence she wished
to leave behind. what she would give to traverse the
skies gliding gently on the back of a
find the forms projected in her skull in the endless
landscapes scrolling beneath finally find
love by sight and not sensation. trapped as she was
in the warm caress of the triassic sea, her mind still
reeled with cold and alien images.

thanks guys.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Girls & Sunshine

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--truthandbeautybombs user "jazzpirate"

Ryan, who has this neurotic dinosaur webcomic has joined my effort to collect fantastic images of tv-headed naked ladies riding dinosaurs by asking his messageboard users to contribute. This has not only earned him my undying affection, but some shameless promotion from me.

Check out these incredible shirts! I have to get the octopus.

sexy results

The Wanton Machine: Now delightfully content-free! Whoa, so rather than do anything useful, I have been trying out a new browser. It is super. I am illustrating one of the more compelling features.

"You can easily blog interesting web content with Flock, in just a few clicks.


1. Highlight a passage on a web page that you would like to blog about.

2. Right-click that selection and choose Blog This.

3. The blog editor opens with that selection already inserted. Not only that, the selection is properly formatted as a Blockquote and appropriate citation is included."


Sunday, October 09, 2005

the boy wonders

Tv-headed naked lady riding a dinosaur update: I know you have been on the edge of your seats...

Many thanks to everyone who has submitted their work to the collection. I am still at it, so if you get a chance, make me one. I apologize that the duplication is so imperfect, but I don't have a scanner. It is only fair to add that many of these were made under duress and/or while the artist was intoxicated.
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the first one ever! Tariq is awesome.

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max (at the BC). ariel (from PA)-- sorry, the real one is so much prettier. think delicate. think pencil.

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stephen (at Wonderland).

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mb (underused).