Monday, July 31, 2006

The Wonder

I opened my mailbox today to a free copy of the Zagat Survey of DC/Baltimore Restaurants. I wrote a few reviews for them so many months ago that I'd completely forgotten about it. Going out to eat is one of my favorite things to do, so having a copy of the guide was thrilling enough. After flipping through a few of the reviews, I saw something that sounded like me. Zagat quoted me for at least three of the six places I reviewed. They even put in my zinger about how people in Silver Spring/Takoma Park "tote their kids everywhere". Madness.

You must be a registered user in order to read the online Zagat Survey.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Few Steps More

I have been living on MOG for the past few weeks. However, I have not forgotten my promise. In honor of their cd release yesterday, here are some stills from my still-in-progress music video for Alcian Blue. I don't know if the finished product will look anything like this.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Status: No projects down. Many more to go. Totally digging it.